Zuvius Lifesciences: Manufacturing High-Quality Anti-Cancer Products In Oncology Segment To Fight Rarest Forms Of Cancer

Zuvius Lifesciences

Attending to the shrieking cry of surging health issues, the pharma industries have risen to tap the uncharted boundaries and crossed unknown barriers to uphold the health of the human race. New innovations are being brainstormed, ground-breaking cures are researched and new solutions are released to improve life expectancy and longevity. The leaders of the industry are on a constant strive to improve the quality of care, quality of life and to transform even the most complex fatal diseases into a simple curable condition!

Nimish Thakkar, the Chairman & Managing Director of Zuvius Lifesciences, is one such pioneering leader in the pharma industry who is determined to change the crucifying fate of cancer. The titan ascertains that relentless innovations in the areas of chemical entities, formulations, nutrition, and combinations have resulted in new medicines, vaccines, and other crucial tools that has already crushed the crown of cancer. Today, many types of cancer are deemed curable and many controllable. He further emphasized that if we keep marching devoutly towards the vision of a cancer-free world then the dream can surely be manifested into a beautiful reality!

Through the pages of Zuvius Lifesciences

Zuvius Lifesciences came into being in the year 2005, but its seed was sown way back in 1995. Nimish began his entrepreneurial journey at a young age of 19. The pharmacy was his passion but entrepreneurship ran in his blood.

It was the autumn of 1995, Mr. Nimish Thakkar, then a young audacious apprentice who took the unconventional road and entered the pharmaceutical industry with his own distribution agency. With passion in his eyes, hunger in his heart and a clear vision fixated in his mind, the tycoon devoted his time in culling the skilled know-how of the pharmaceutical industry and forming a team that would be the rock pillars to his big endeavors. It was during these times that Zuvius found its other jewels – Alka Chavan and Shailesh Shetty. Alka emerged to be the maestro of marketing who fortified the foothold of Zuvius in many locations across the borders and Shailesh got groomed as the sagacious Strategic management professional with the exceptional handling of finance and HR. The unbeatable trio marched ahead sailing through tough times and gliding through glories.

In the year 2005, an unfathomable outbreak of cancer cases in the country gave Mr. Thakkar the purpose he was seeking to pursue. Reminiscing his early days, the jovial leader quoted, “I picked the pebbles of experience, and blended the gravels of the industry and finally carved the road ahead specializing in the oncology and super-specialty segment.”

Like any start-up, Zuvius too had to learn a few things the hard way. In 2006-07, the company faced a huge crisis as it submerged to a crippling loss worth crore of rupees. But the three musketeers poured their heart and soul, blood and sweat to hold the company erect.

This was the time when the fourth pillar of Zuvius held the fort upright. Dr. Ulhas Ganu, the technical director and decorated research scientist on cancer joined the team in 2008. His rich expertise and experience in the field of oncology served as the beacon that illuminated the path ahead.

Zuvius Lifesciences Stands to Cure the Rarest Forms of Cancer

It is not just about what and how you create, but how you hold things together when everything around is falling apart. Circumstances could not beat them and temporary defeats could not break their spirit.

Today, Zuvius has blossomed as one of the forerunners in the World-class quality oncology segment with specialization in world-class quality chemotherapeutic formulations that aims to cure the rarest forms of cancer at an affordable cost. Zuvius is highly focused on developing simple and precise early diagnosis methods and making quality treatments available and accessible to patients across the world.

The company’s portfolio of oncology is powered by supportive therapy (nutraceutical products), which is a step beyond normal standard products. The company has a vast portfolio of more than 130+ high-quality oncology products and is also exploring other super-specialty segments. These unique products are backed by extensive research and tested with unmatched quality of manufacturing standards.

Nimish shares, “Our prime focus is an oncology and we are invested in balancing the equation of best possible cure at affordable rates. It is absolutely heart-wrenching to see people, young and old, succumb to their ill-fated end and leave the world perforce. We hope very soon we crack that code and find the formula to dismantle cancer, without taking away a piece of the person’s soul

He further added, “We are also venturing into nutraceuticals with a pure intention to offer products that are perhaps first of its kind in India, products that add definite value to the life of the end consumer.”

Zuvius Lifesciences Bringing Quality Medicines to Combat Cancer

With a mission of spreading good health across the globe, Zuvius is constantly striving to maximize the potential of its products. Their pure efforts and sheer will to support the health of mankind has won them many recognitions. The recent in their kitty being three consecutive National Awards and two International Awards.

The credits of this sturdy quality achieved by Zuvius goes to the hawk-eyed expert, Dr. Ulhas Ganu who has uplifted the fourth pillar of the company with his technical excellence. Dr. Ganu is the prodigy of Pharmaceutical Management, with an innate grasp of the complex concepts of the super-specialty segment, especially Oncology.

Determination to Give Back to Society and Following the Core Values

Being ethical, ensuring quality, and delivering customer satisfaction are the core values ingrained within the team of Zuvius Lifesciences. In addition, to bringing quality healthcare, the team of Zuvius is also involved in various programs and takes an active part in understanding and curing the pains of the downtrodden, during their course of cancer treatment.

Several CSR Programmes like Hope for Life and Can Care are specifically curated for cancer patients crippled with financial disability. Can Care program is organized in association with Government hospitals to help numerous poor and needy patients who cannot afford costly cancer treatments. The team of Zuvius also extends their support to various NGOs under programs like Cancer Free Village on the Move. Additionally, Zuvius has sponsored and participated in awareness rallies and campaigns including Cancer Walk and Know Cancer to No Cancer.

An Expedition to Ease Cancer Pain across the Globe

In the coming days, the managing team of Zuvius has set some ambitious goals. When probed about the future plans in the wrap, the magnate remarked, “There are many things in the pipeline, right from exploring the options in cancer cure to digging deep into the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare for cancer. There are a lot of things happening here.”

Zuvius is aggressively working on finding an early diagnosis of cancer and biosimilars. Zuvius is also working on expanding its global presence as it will further help them spread their wings of light and hope.

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