Herta Launches New COVID-19 Technology for the New Normality


New video analytics to enhance security and safety in the new post-pandemic era

The global pandemic has created a new crisis with new needs. In response to extraordinary situations, Herta has launched a new range of COVID-19 technologies to help businesses and industries adapt to the new normality.

As the leading facial recognition firm, Herta promises to enhance safety with computer vision analytics:

Social Distancing

Avoiding crowds and crowded spaces will be new normality in our daily lives, as part of social distancing to avoid the spread of the pandemic. Our crowd density application monitors the proximity of individuals in a crowd, by focusing on a specific frame of a chosen monitored area, and sending an alert when a high density is detected.

Occupancy Control

Another post-pandemic preventative measure is reduced venue capacity, whether it be a workplace, a cafe or a shopping mall. Every business owner will be liable for ensuring their capacity abides by local laws and restrictions. Keep your business safe with clientele under the right count.

Mask Detection

We know you care about your clients and staff operating in a safe environment. We also know in many countries, citizens are required to wear a mask in certain establishments. Use this module to make sure that everyone protects themselves and others around them by wearing a face mask.

Subject Identification

At Herta, we have now taught our algorithms to be able to detect and identify subjects even with large facial occlusions. Hence we can now identify people even when they are wearing a mask. Companies using BioAccess as their access control system will no longer require subjects to remove their mask in a potentially high-risk zone – such as in an airport or a busy lobby. Keep a healthy and safe environment, whilst protecting your premises at the same time.

Awarded with the COVID-19 Response Seal of Excellence by the European Comission, Herta’s new applications allow the monitoring of social distancing, occupancy control, mask detection, and facial recognition, even when people wear masks.

Herta’s technology is characterized by having the best reputation, with real and large-scale security projects worldwide. By expanding their product range, the company aims to reinforce their mission: increase the world’s safety by building user-friendly computer vision solutions. With these new applications, Herta will surely help organizations comply with the new COVID-19 safety regulations as well as covering the needs that arise in this new normality.

Also Read – How has Pandemic Affected the 10 Biggest Economics of the World? 

Business Apac

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