Rohit Thakral: A Skilled IT Professional With Exceptional Enthusiasm And Excellent Expertise

Target Integration

One encounters numerous challenges throughout the journey but the way one tackles them is what can set you apart from the ordinary. One such extraordinary business tycoon is Rohit Thakral, Founder and CEO at Target Integration. He is an experienced entrepreneur and Business Automation Consultant who has working experience ranging from Manufacturing to Finance and from Retail to distribution. Rohit has been a part of Target Integration for 11 years and has been successful in converting the company into a mid-size CRM/ERP consultancy organisation spread in 4 countries. He is on the steering committee of the Ireland India Business Association (IIBA), Ambassador of Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Chairperson of SFA Skillnet, a member of BNI.

Going beyond the limitations and circumstances

Role models play an important role in shaping an individual as a leader. The same states true for Rohit. Drawing inspiration from Richard Branson’s quote, “A business has to be involved, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts,” Rohit has been continuously working towards success. Failures are inevitable in the journey. Richard is not just a successful entrepreneur, but he has been involved in several failed business ventures. But Branson never gave up on any business he started. He tried, tested, relaunched sometime, stood up and was consistent with his business ideas. This trait has influenced Rohit the most.

Richard’s unusually optimistic view on failure, powerful thoughts and actions towards the goal has shaped Rohit into the leader that he is today. Quoting one of the lines from Richard’s book, Rohit articulates, “I suppose the secret to bouncing back is not only to be unafraid of failures but to use them as motivational and learning tools. There’s nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as you don’t make the same ones over and over again.”

Improvising Business productivity

Rohit established the platform Target Integration as the one-stop solution for improving the business productivity. The mission of the company is to empower curious business owners and managers looking to grow their business by providing them with business insights that they can leverage to make better, clearer and more concise business decisions. In accordance to fueling the productivity of client companies, Target integration offers a vast range of services and solutions such as,

Business Process Automation.
Web Application Development.
Cloud Services.
Custom Software/Application Development/ Consultation.
Ecommerce solutions & Consultations.
Business Application Consultations

Unbiased advice and Informed decisions

Rohit believes that the reason for the success of Target Integration is due to the unbiased advice and informed decisions. Each client business is treated as its own which makes the company more than an advisor. The team of Target Integration closely inspect the challenges, align the incentives with its objectives, and collaborate to unlock the full potential of their business. This process is the biggest attribute to the company’s success.

Target Integration bridges the gap between Informed consultation, Right Implementation, and Timely support by acting as the mediator entity. The mantra of the company is- “choosing the right business management software should be an easy task.” This mantra is supported by the five core values of the company, viz,

Quality & Value: An exceptional service from start to finish, with no compromise on quality and value.
Independent & Unbiased: Independent consultants working with multiple products and technologies.
Privacy & Safety: Information security & data protection is our priority.
Providing Alternatives: The company assists the clients with the facts and figures on at least two alternatives to decide.

Partner, Not Vendor: Customer success is the company’s success.

Culture promoting Open Communication

The team plays a crucial role in the success of the business. Rohit ensures that the teammates are always connected. He has also created a blog as an initiative for open communication with the team. Through the blog, anyone can share their problems or concerns with him. He further explains, “As a leader, I keep communication open, friendly, and always encourage my teammates to come and talk to me. And they do it, which I am glad about.”

Target Integration also is a high promoter of educating and training. The company has a culture of educating and providing various certification courses and training programs to the team members if anyone asks for it. As Rohit practices open communication with each employee any team member can ask for certain programs and he purchases the same for them. As a motivator for the team, Rohit also focuses on timely appreciation. “I have a good rapport of being a consistent and dependable person with my team as we put a good amount of our much-needed energy in providing TI services with the utmost diligence,” says Rohit.

Insights on being an Extraordinary Businessman

Rohit believes that being extraordinary comes at a cost. He further shares the three qualities that helped him go a long way with the clients,

Deep dives into Business Insights
He always takes the initiative & makeshis client capable of making their decisions- at all stages of their ‘Digital Transformation’. He pays close attention to the details described by the client and grabs all the relative aspects essential to tackle the problems. This helps to then take a thorough understanding of his client’s complex business.

Accuracy & Alertness
He is double sure about what his client needs are. Correctness regarding the orders and their execution is necessary. He does a quantitative analysis of problems & solutions.

Time Sense and Foresight
He is well aware of the current market scenario and trends to assist clients with the best solution. One has to be foresighted to predict the solutions. Being a visionary he tries to create a dedicated plan to proceed intelligently and meet business wants.

Read Full Magazine Business Tycoons of 2020

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