businessapac news

Lickable TV

Taste the TV: Japan develops a lickable screen that mimics the taste of food

Key Highlights: A Japanese professor has produced a prototype lickable TV screen that can replicate food flavors. Taste the TV (TTTV) is a gadget that employs a carousel of ten flavor canisters that spray in combination to replicate the flavor of a certain cuisine. Miyashita also wants to create a platform where consumers can download

Taste the TV: Japan develops a lickable screen that mimics the taste of food Read More »

Bluefloat energy

BlueFloat, Energy Estate embark on 4.3-GW offshore wind plan in Australia

Key Highlights: BlueFloat Energy has announced that they would collaborate on three offshore wind projects in Australia with a total projected capacity of 4.3GW. The project will help the Hunter area move away from coal-fired power. Its creators want to use the energy it generates to serve current huge energy consumers. Australia is now considered

BlueFloat, Energy Estate embark on 4.3-GW offshore wind plan in Australia Read More »

Singapore suspends new tickets

Singapore suspends new ticket sales for quarantine-free travels

Key Highlights: Singapore suspends new ticket sales for quarantine-free travel in an effort to reduce exposure to imported omicron cases, according to a statement issued by the health ministry. Travelers who have previously purchased tickets through Singapore’s vaccinated travel lane arrangements will be able to enter the country without having to serve quarantines. Singapore’s vaccinated

Singapore suspends new ticket sales for quarantine-free travels Read More »

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