Space quotes are words of wisdom and wonder from people who have explored or admired the vastness of the universe. They inspire us to look beyond our planet and imagine the possibilities of space travel and exploration. Some space quotes come from famous astronauts, scientists, and philosophers who have shared their insights and experiences. Others come from writers, artists, and poets who have expressed their awe and curiosity. In this article, we will explore some of the most inspiring and historic space quotes that can change the way you see the world.
- “The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson.
This quote is from Jack London, an American novelist, and journalist who wrote adventure stories and social critiques. The universe ignores our expectations, intuitions, and beliefs. No rules or logic we know apply to it. Moreover, it surprises and challenges us with mysteries and paradoxes. Therefore, we need to be humble and curious when exploring the cosmos. Also, we should accept our ignorance and limits.
- “I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.” – Jack London.
London valued a passionate and intense life over a dull and routine one. He wanted to experience everything, even if it meant danger and death. Moreover, he preferred being a meteor, bright and fleeting, rather than a planet, stable and lasting. He believed that living fully and authentically was the purpose of life, not merely existing or surviving. Therefore, he did not waste time trying to prolong his life but used it to pursue his dreams and adventures.
- “For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions.” – Zhuangzi.

This quote means that a wise man does not limit his vision or understanding to human standards. He looks into space and sees infinite possibilities and variations of the universe. The wise man knows that there is no end to or boundary to anything. He does not judge anything. Zhuangi does not judge anything by their size or importance, but by its nature and essence. The quote is one of the many space quotes that show different views and insights about the cosmos.
- “Space is to place as eternity is to time.” – Joseph Joubert.
The quote means that space and time are different dimensions of reality. Space is the dimension of place, where things have location and distance. Time is the dimension of eternity, where things have duration and sequence. Space and time are related, but not the same. The quote is one of the many space quotes that explore the nature and meaning of the cosmos.
- “What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?” – Henry David Thoreau.
This quote is from Henry David Thoreau, an American naturalist, and writer. The quote means that a house is not important if the planet is livable. He cared about the environment and nature. Thoreau thought that people should protect the earth and not destroy it. He did not value material possessions over the planet. This quote highlights the truth as it is. If we don’t maintain our planet Earth, then we have no other home to live in.
- “If the Sun and Moon should ever doubt, they’d immediately go out.” – William Blake.

This quote is from William Blake, an English poet and artist. The quote means that the sun and moon are the symbols of certainty and faith. They do not doubt their existence or purpose. They shine brightly and steadily in the sky. If they ever doubted, they would lose their light and power. This is one of the most creative space quotes that explains the cosmos so beautifully.
- “The stars, that nature hung in heaven, and filled their lamps with everlasting oil, give due light to the misled and lonely traveller.” – John Milton.
The quote is from John Milton, a famous English poet and intellectual. He wrote it in his poem “Comus” in 1637. The quote compares the stars to the lamps that guide the traveler who is lost or alone. The stars are natural and eternal, unlike human-made lamps that need oil and can run out. Stars are a source of hope and comfort for those who face difficulties or uncertainties in life.
- “What was most significant about the lunar voyage was not that men set foot on the moon but that they set eye on the earth.” – Norman Cousins.
Norman Cousins was a political journalist, author, lecturer, and international peace campaigner from the United States. His quote means that the lunar voyage was important because it gave humans a new perspective on their planet. Instead of focusing on the moon, they realized how fragile Earth was. This quote is also one of the many space quotes that inspire people to appreciate and protect the environment. It also shows how exploration can lead to unexpected discoveries.
- “You never enjoy the world aright, till the sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens and crowned with the stars.” – Thomas Traherne.

This quote is from Thomas Traherne, a famous English poet and theologian. He wrote in his book “Centuries of Mediations” in 1670. The quote means that you cannot truly appreciate the world until you feel connected to it. You have to see yourself as a part of nature, not separate from it. Importantly, you have to realize that you are a child of God and that you share his glory. Notably, you have to love the world and everything in it as if it were your inheritance.
- “The heart looks into space to be away from earth.” – Richard Jefferies.
The quote suggests that the heart longs for space because it is unhappy with Earth. Maybe, the heart feels trapped or bored with the earthly life, Therefore, it dreams of escaping to the vast and mysterious space. The space is a source of wonder and freedom for the heart. This quote is another example of a space quote that expresses human emotions and desires. This is a very insightful quote.
- “I don’t think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space.” – Stephen Hawking.
The quote warns us that the human race is in danger of extinction. It implies that the Earth is facing many threats. Therefore, the only hope for humanity is to colonize other planets. This quote is among the space quotes that reflect the scientific vision and concern of Stephen Hawking. It also challenges us to think about our future and destiny.
- “Perhaps when distant people on other planets pick up some wavelength of ours all they hear is a continuous scream.” – Iris Murdoch.

This quote portrays a bleak view of human civilization. It suggests that humans are constantly suffering and in pain. Moreover, it implies that aliens who might receive our signals would not understand our language and culture. They would only hear a continuous scream that reflected our agony. This quote shows the pessimism and despair of Iris Murdoch. It also makes us question our existence or purpose.
- “I am sorry to say that there is too much point to the wisecrack that life is extinct on other planets because their scientists were more advanced than ours.” – John F. Kennedy.
The quote implies that advanced science can be dangerous. It suggests that other planets had intelligent life, but they destroyed themselves with their inventions. Therefore, John F. Kennedy regrets that there is some truth in this joke. This quote is one of the space quotes that warns us about the risks of scientific progress. It also shows Kennedy’s concern for the future of humanity.
- “Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.” – Paul Brandt.
The quote means that nothing is impossible. It encourages us to pursue our dreams. For example, some people thought that humans could not go to the moon. However, they proved them wrong. Therefore, we should not let others limit our potential. Instead, we should aim for the highest goals. That way, we can achieve amazing things.
- “We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon.” – Joni Mitchell, Woodstock.

Joni Mitchell is a multi-instrumentalist, painter, and Canadian-American singer-songwriter. Her quote reflects the origin and nature of life. It says that we are made of the same elements as stars. Also, we are beautiful and valuable. Moreover, we are part of a long history of evolution. Therefore, we should appreciate and celebrate our existence. This is one of the space quotes that reminds us to always be grateful.
Space quotes can motivate us to pursue our dreams and aspirations. They remind us of the beauty and mystery of the cosmos and the potential of human ingenuity and creativity. They also challenge us to think critically and ethically about our role and responsibility in the universe. Whether you are a space enthusiast, a science lover, or a curious learner, space quotes can enrich your perspective and spark your imagination. We hope you enjoyed reading some of the most inspiring and historic space quotes in this article.
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