SEO-Friendly Website Can Boost Business Productivity

3 Ways An SEO-Friendly Website Can Boost Business Productivity

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The invention of the internet along with everything that followed has provided businesses with a myriad of new ways to reach and connect with their audiences. As the world transitions to the digital age, businesses begin to adapt by shifting from using print to digital methods for their marketing strategies. One such strategy that’s now commonly being utilized by businesses is a website.

By using a website, businesses get to establish their brand identity with their audiences. Alongside, they also manage to use their websites as a platform for selling to customers. Now, in having a website, a strategy known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is often mentioned and highlighted as important for a website’s success. SEO is a strategy implemented by businesses and website owners alike to draw traffic to their websites.

To achieve having an SEO-friendly website, several strategies are often implemented. One strategy that SEO specialists implement is improving the overall user experience of the website. This includes making the interface intuitive, improving the site’s performance for faster loading speed, and more. They could make a diagram to design the path that the user will take within their site when they interact with it. Overall, this would keep the user engaged and would increase the likelihood that they would come back.

Unfortunately, you might be making content and design mistakes that don’t make your site SEO-friendly which is common when you are starting out. To further elaborate on this, here are 3 ways to have an SEO-friendly website that can boost your business’s productivity:

1. Maximizes Content Marketing Efforts

Don’t mistake content marketing with digital marketing which refers to any type of online promotion. On the other hand, content marketing is a strategy that involves creating and disseminating valuable and relevant content to attract a very specific audience. For a business, this is your target audience and you attract them with the intention of driving profitable customer action. Essentially, the output that marketing creates is attracting new customers to your business. As such using a website that is also SEO-friendly evidently helps you achieve this.

To further elaborate, utilizing proper SEO strategies allows you to drive more traffic to your site specifically through organic search results. This refers to your site’s ranking in search engines such as Google and Bing. However, good SEO should also have previous visitors return to your site thus increasing your site’s overall traffic. With this, you’ll be able to effectively achieve the main objectives of content marketing which are brand awareness and credibility.

2. Have More Data

One key to attaining better productivity in any aspect of life is tracking your performance, especially in business. By finding out what works and what doesn’t, you’ll be able to adapt and adjust your strategies to reach your objectives more efficiently. With that in mind, by having an SEO-friendly site, and consequently more customers interacting with your site, you can gather more data. Using the data you gain from your site, you can understand what your business currently needs to prioritize. This will allow your team to be more productive overall as they would prioritize the right aspects of the business.

Additionally, having more data also implies that you will have more information on your consumers, especially how they behave and interact. As an added bonus, if you implement machine learning technology with your marketing data, you’ll be able to predict trends and improve their user experience.

3. Good SEO Means More Conversions And Leads

Finally, having an SEO-friendly site allows your business to generate more leads and conversions. A lead in the marketing field refers to a potential customer illustrating an interest in your brand. Whereas, conversion refers to when a copywritten message effectively convinces its audience to perform the desired action. 

One of the good traits of an SEO-friendly website is good copywriting. When you effectively generate leads from the traffic that proper SEO strategies bring to your site, the next step would be to generate conversions. Then, once this is done, your business will have generated more profit and revenue, which is an indication of high productivity.


Evidently, search engine optimization is now a very important factor in a business’s digital marketing success. With the internet, businesses of any kind will find that they would highly benefit from having their own website as this is evidently an effective digital marketing tool. However, with the costs that come with building and maintaining a website, you’ll want to get the most out of it thus, the importance of SEO. With the enumerated ways mentioned above having an SEO-friendly website would boost your business’s productivity and yield higher revenue.

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