Samsung Offerings Future Technologies Training around the globe

Samsung Innovation Campus

Samsung announces future technology teaching events

Samsung Electronics has been growing its interest within the AI sector with the AI facilities in seven countries such as Russia, Moscow, Vietnam, Spain, Indonesia, Chile and Thailand. Due to increased demand of AI, Samsung introduces number of programs to provide training in machine learning to people around the world.

Samsung designed DesArrolladoras Program to help women of technological field and launched its third phase in Spain. Samsung Innovation Campus (SIC) takes initiative in introducing youth education program with Samsung Tech Institute, Samsung IT Academy and Samsung IT School in Russia. Samsung bringing activities to educate people on the skills and technologies related to AI all over the world. SIC will be launching following effective activities worldwide.

Effectiveness of technology for business

The Samsung Artificial Intelligence Center acquired the second annual AI Bootcamp summer school for local students in the Moscow. This school introduced courses to the data analyst and marketing professional, providing student with the opportunity to learn how to work with big data and machine learning in business perspective.

Program offered by school provided lectures on biometrics, computer vision, management associated with Samsung Research Russia Employees. This program also included student presentations and award ceremony for certifications. From this competitive application process, sixteen students participate in the classes on Big Data for business organized by Samsung Research Russia.

Opportunities for women in the tech-driven world

Samsung’s DesArrolladoras program launched to expand technical knowledge for personal and professional development. In partnership with Bejob, it is providing technical programming knowledge to acquire highly valuable skills and knowledge for today’s competitive job market.

This program also introduces fundamental of AI, natural language processing, machine learning, Programming and Business Intelligence. Samsung is committed to help women succeed in the field of technology by educating them to stay relevant with the latest trends in the challenging market.

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