Rupak Barua: The Mastermind Behind One-Stop Medical Center

Rupak Barua

In today’s modern and digital environment, rapid digitization is impacting every aspect of human lives as well as opening up new landscapes of businesses. Therefore, organizations will need to look beyond fractured changes, even ones that are improvements. The Director and Group CEO, AMRI Hospitals Ltd, Rupak Barua believes that the overall effect of any story of transformation will depend on the eagerness of the CEO to personally push the transition, involve others more freely, and shed light on success as they materialize. The importance of CEO’s role in this scenario increases with numerous responsibilities to perform. He has to work on building a strong and committed team, take the burden of making tough decisions about the workforce’s capabilities, and determine if an individual has the motivation to make the journey. The CEO Rupak asserts, “This is where personal involvement comes into place, where one has to roll up the sleeves and get down to understanding the significance of financial and symbolic issues at stake.

A Respectable Leader with Three Decades of Experience

Having a career spanning more than three decades, Rupak is a well-known and respectable person in the healthcare sector of India. Since his childhood, the well-versed leader has learned that life is meant to do something positive and constructive such as being actively involved in helping others. So, he targeted healthcare because it is one of those industries where one can be part of a corporate structure and at the same time, play a role in social welfare. Keeping this goal in his mind, the Group CEO successfully pursued MDP in Hospital Management from IIM-Ahmadabad and IIM-Bangalore after completing Post-Graduation in Marketing. Since then, the industrious leader has faced several challenges and wins new frontiers. Reminiscing about his past, the CEO says, “Stepping into the healthcare sector was a turning point in my life and the more challenges I faced the more motivated I became. I took up challenging tasks one after the other and met these challenges successfully, which helped me to earn a name for my problem-solving role and bringing about a new era in healthcare sector in Kolkata.” Lately, Rupak has been a part of several public bodies and has played an important role in reforming and developing Kolkata’s current healthcare delivery system.

Movie Focused On Leadership

Sometimes, movies hold surprising lessons and offer inspirational messages. Rupak picks a movie as his big inspiration rather than a management book. The movie, Chak de, India presents learning about how a great leader recognizes the potential of his team and instills confidence and discipline in them. The movie further excellently portraits how a leader does not get demotivated and makes his dream come true through his determination and persistence. So, the Director Rupak notes, “Although I cannot claim that any film had a big influence in my life, one film that I really appreciated was Chak de, India for its inspirational message.

The Perfect Blend of the Finest Doctors and Latest Technologies

Founded in 1996, AMRI Hospitals is among the largest private healthcare networks in Eastern India created by a group of top industrialists from Kolkata. Its vision is to be cherished as the best place to come for care and the best place to work. The leading hospital has been offering medical treatment for various diseases such as Aesthetic, Reconstructive & Plastic Surgery, AMRI Inst. of Laboratory Sciences, Blood Bank & Transfusion Medicine, Cardiac Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Dentistry & Maxillo Facial Surgery, Dermatology, and many more. With its state-of-the-art equipment and modern facilities, it is ensuring that people from Eastern India are provided affordable high-quality medical care in the region so that patients need not travel to other parts of the country for medical treatment. The expert team of AMRI Hospitals has committed team of doctors and caregivers who treat even the most complicated cases. They also proficiently and compassionately manage emergency and critical care. In the near future, it is planning to add around 1,000 more beds.

One of India’s first public-private joint ventures, the Group now has three super specialty hospitals and a high-tech daycare center in Kolkata. Apart from this, there is another super specialty hospital at Bhubaneswar, Odisha. It has a created list of around 1,200 doctors, supported by a well-trained force of nursing, paramedical and non-medical staff ready to serves across more than 1,000 beds. Backed by cutting-edge technologies, the Group offers reliable, multi-disciplinary healthcare services to approximately 3.5 lakh patients per year. This service is broadened across to patients hailing from Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Afghanistan, South East Asia, and Africa.

Dedicated, Focused and Target-Oriented Team

One of the most important tasks for any leader is to identify and form the right kind of team which will help in driving the achievements of the organization forward. The CEO Rupak firmly believes that a leader is as good as his/her team, because without the proper team in place, it is impossible to have the right kind of execution. The team of AMRI Hospitals comprises of focused, dedicated and target-oriented individuals who are always willing to go an extra mile for customers and pushing the envelope. “While the team does its job, at the organizational level, we ensure that team members are duly appreciated and rewarded,” says Group CEO Rupak.

Working on Different Initiatives   

Today, the healthcare industry is crowded with several healthcare solution providers. These providers are offering similar services and solutions. But, AMRI Hospitals is staying ahead of the curve. The prominent hospital has a dedicated and world-class list of clinicians, surgeons, and other specialists, along with a dedicated and committed contingent of nursing and paramedical staff. It is already working towards a paperless world and the infrastructure of the future will ultimately benefit from that, helping to significantly reduce human errors. It is also planning to have to focus more heavily on educational health aspects by empowering its doctors to participate in more original research.

Building AMRI Hospital as a Technology-Oriented Healthcare Service Provider

Our rapid economic and urbanization growth has set the path for a growth story that is extraordinary and looking at the future,” says the Director Rupak. He feels that digitization and artificial intelligence will totally rewrite the future, not just in healthcare but in almost every sphere of life. Rupak is aligning their main focus towards delivering quality healthcare at affordable cost, which will be further aided by the use of various digital tools. 

In the upcoming years, the dynamic leader along with his team will turn AMRI Hospitals into a more technology-oriented healthcare service provider so that they can have a more precise diagnosis, helping doctors to have better prognosis, and include digital tools for their operations. As a result, patients will be benefitted with faster recovery, better clinical outcomes and improved quality of life.

The Importance of Leadership in the Healthcare Sector 

As the business landscape is changing, almost every aspect of human lives is also going through significant digitization. The transition we are seeing now is even greater, and every sector has been forced to look at the ways and means of operating. Therefore, the role of any leader at large organizations across diverse industries has become even more crucial. If leaders are giving lip service to transformation, then they will find others down the chain doing the same. Any leader who fails to change the workforce’s mindsets and behavioral patterns are at risk of seeing the transition go out of control. The versatile leader observed that the healthcare industry is also going through massive digitization. So, he has been focusing to keep ahead of the curve by introducing newer and advanced technologies, giving the organization an edge over others. AMRI has already initiated the process of turning its systems and processes smarter so that it can minimize average hospital stay of patients and provide even better clinical outcomes, which in turn will help reduce expenses for patients.

Words of wisdom: I sincerely believe that a leader is as good as his/her team because without the proper team in place, it is impossible to have the right kind of execution.

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