Raphael Nagel: A Strategic Leader Leveraging The Economic Knowledge To Make World A Better Place


Today investing is important to not just reach the financial goals but also achieve financial freedom. The environment we live in demands smart investments as it is important to have a well-diversified portfolio, which means the portfolio is immune to extrinsic factors, a company that is immune to the changes occurring in the world. While choosing a company one must consider that the track record and history have good cash flow and adding values. Raphael Nagel is the General Manager of Tactical Management, advices that companies should try to maintain a balance between various changes that are important and have farsightedness. In his opinion, companies that have a stronger purpose than simply making money, tend to do better overall in the long term.

Accounts strength is very important, as companies typically fail because they are weakly financed. Weak finance means weak foundations, which means a weak company. Keeping this in mind, Tactical Management team advices to have a firm foundation and a strong balance sheet. It has become essential to do the required research and analysis. Tactical Management helps to stay ahead of the herd.

Tactical Management is independent private equity, corporate structuring and multi-family office firm based in Dubai. It provides strategic management support in global markets. Since the establishment, the company has already set up around 27 projects, which open markets for 1,784 potential jobs and 749 million US$ volume of investment operating in three main business divisions from Private Equity, Corporate Structuring to Multi-Family Office. The innovative solutions derive from close relationships on the ground to local understanding and global insights.  Its personalized services deliver dynamic wealth creation, bespoke corporate structures and efficient asset protection in the challenging environments. Tactical Management provides the opportunity to remain competitive in fast-changing markets by using the advantages of different jurisdictions.

Transforming the World with Economic Knowledge

Raphael exposed to business and investment affairs at a very early age. His father was an Executive Director in a bank before setting up his own Real Estate business. This helped Raphael to understand business closely and gain experience.  He believed that his economic knowledge could transform the world into a better place.

With Tactical Management, Raphael and his team are trying to create positive economic results by doing ethical and social investments. Currently, the company is involved in shared value projects. This approach has created high opportunities in several sectors around the world. “We are starting building social housing in Ecuador and instead of getting paid, we receive agricultural land with the option to convert into urban land.  In this way, we create social wellbeing for the population, but we also achieve very good economic results for our investors,” explained Raphael.

Team Is the Driving Force of Any Company

The driving force behind any company is the team. The future of a successful organization depends upon how well the team works together. Every individual’s participation plays an important role in making the organization profitable and successful. The team comprises of qualified, multidisciplinary and highly specialized professionals with a deep knowledge of the markets that allows the company to take full advantage of the opportunities. As the investment guru, Raphael is responsible for everything within the company. “I have the ultimate responsibility for every other employee and their duties. All eyes are on me. If the investment goes smoothly, we all take the credit.  If they go awry, it’s me who bears the blame.  Therefore, I am the General Manager,” quotes Raphael.

“Too Good To Be True”

Investing is highly prone to risks. There are times when even the veteran investment leaders misjudge the deal. Raphael understands that investment will always be highly prone to risk so he is well alert of the hazards and always has a plan to manage the risk. Sharing his best ways to tackle risks he said that while investing one needs to understand what he is investing. Some investment opportunities are hard to understand, but the golden rule is, if something looks too good to be true, it probably is. “If there is something about an investment that does not make sense, just walk away,” said Raphael.

Being over-ambitious can sometimes lead to trouble, it is often tempting for a business to expand or to try something outside of its area of expertise but one needs to be cautious. Raphael advices that one must make sure that any competitive advantage is sustainable, some businesses produce more profit than others do as the company may have found a way of getting ahead of its competitors.  However, this will be of no value at all if its advantage cannot be sustained.

Learning from the Competitors

Raphael believes that one should not leave any opportunity of learning, and thus the team of Tactical management does not get to compare themselves to the competitors but learn instead. He makes sure that the team has concrete knowledge and daily improve themselves. Raphael adds, “We are selling specialized knowledge, as we are not emotionally attached to the problems, we can ask interesting questions, out of the box questions and this approach helps us to discover hidden opportunities.” Tactical Management creates a bridge for the clients by making connections and referrals towards the right people.

Looking For New Investment Opportunities Globally

Raphael is anticipating the economic crisis in Europe. This crisis of the economic system but also of the democracy will introduce new challenges and the decisions of politicians will have very long-term effects. Tactical Management team finds and develops sustainable investments, to promote dynamic wealth creation, bespoke corporate structures, and efficient asset protection.

Raphael aims to increase the company’s presence in Latin America, targeting especially in Ecuador. Ecuador will offer high opportunities for infrastructure, energy and agricultural projects. Along with this, Tactical Management is always looking for new investment opportunities globally. Presently, Tactical Management is established in nine countries and this helps the company to get a much-diversified vision of the global economy.

Raphael’s Insights on the Common Mistakes…

Along the journey, Raphael has observed that companies often fall for the common errors that can be easily negligible. He gives some insights on the observation he has made so far by saying, “The common mistakes in investing are trying to make money quickly, good investment takes time and patience. Investment is a financial journey, know how to adjust based on your own plan, understand the risk and know what you are investing in. Investment is not for you if you don’t have a strong stomach for it, rapid expansion needs to be controlled. If you want to sleep well at night while still reaching your investment goals it pays to both understand and know how to control the risks that you take.

Investment Mantra:

“Don’t lose your investment, because if you lose it you have to work twice for the same.”

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