Wisdom Unleashed – Painting Life’s Canvas With 15 Osho Quotes


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He was popular as the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh which he later changed to Osho and literally is translated to ‘the blessed one’ or ‘oceanic’. His ideas concentrate on the use of meditation as a part of daily practice and not just as a tool used throughout the practice, and he draws from Zen, Sufi as well as Tantra.

Osho quotes are inspirational words of wisdom from the Indian mystic and spiritual teacher. He was known for his unconventional and provocative teachings on meditation, love, freedom, and life. Osho quotes can help you to discover your true self, embrace your uniqueness, and live authentically.

In this article, you will find some of the best Osho quotes on various topics, such as happiness, courage, creativity, and more. You will also learn how to apply these Osho quotes to your own life and experience their transformational power. So, let’s dive into the world of Osho quotes and see what they have to offer.

Here are the 15 Osho Quotes that Transform Your Perspective

  1. “It is a strange thing, that every child is born with a closed hand, and everybody dies with an open hand!”

This quote is about the difference between attachment and detachment. A child is born with a closed hand, which symbolizes the desire to possess and cling to things. A child wants to grab things and make it his or her own. However, everybody dies with an open hand, which means that nothing can be taken away from this world. Everything we have accumulated and owned will be left behind. Thus, we should live with an open hand, which represents the attitude of letting go and sharing.

  1. “A man who is 100% sane is dead.”

This quote is about the value of madness and creativity. A man who is 100% sane is dead because he has no spark of life or originality. He follows the rules and norms of society, without questioning or challenging them. He is boring and predictable, like a machine. However, a man who has some madness in him is alive, because he can explore new possibilities and express his uniqueness. He is not afraid to be different or to make mistakes. He is adventurous and spontaneous, like a child.

  1. “Crowds create illusions.”

This quote is about the danger of losing oneself in crowds. Crowds create illusions because they make us feel secure and powerful. They also influence our thoughts and emotions and make us conform to their expectations. However, crowds are not real, they are just a collection of individuals. They can disappear at any moment, leaving us alone and vulnerable. Therefore, Osho advises us to be independent and aware, and not to depend on crowds for our identity or happiness. This is one of the most insightful Osho quotes.

  1. “Only laughter makes a man rich, but the laughter has to be blissful.”

This quote is about the importance of joy and humor. Only laughter makes a man rich because it fills his heart with happiness and gratitude. It also helps him to cope with the challenges and troubles of life. However, the laughter has to be blissful, which means that it comes from a state of inner peace and harmony. It is not a superficial or sarcastic laughter, but a genuine and spontaneous one.  Therefore, Osho urges us to cultivate our blissfulness and laughter, and not to be attached to material wealth or status.

  1. “Remain in the world, act in the world, do whatsoever is needful, and yet remain transcendental, aloof, detached, a lotus flower in the pond.”

This Osho quote is about the balance between involvement and detachment. Remain in the world, act in the world, and do whatever is needful. This means that you should participate in worldly affairs and fulfill your duties and responsibilities. You should not escape or avoid the challenges and opportunities of life. And yet stay transcendent, distant, detached, like a lotus flower in a pond. This implies that you should not be attached to the outcomes or results of your actions. You should not be affected by the praise or blame of others. You should be like a lotus flower that grows in the muddy water but remains pure and beautiful.

  1. “When you love, love as if the person is a god, not less than that. Never love a woman as a woman and never love a man as a man.”

 This quote says that when you love, love as if the person is a god, not less than that. This means that you should treat the person with the highest reverence and admiration. You should not judge or limit them by their human attributes or roles. Never love a woman as a woman and never love a man as a man. This implies that you should not have any expectations or stereotypes based on your gender. You should love them as a whole being, beyond any labels or categories. This is one of the most truthful Osho quotes since nowadays people don’t seem to love and appreciate their partners a lot.

  1. “The family is one of the greatest traps that society has used for millennia to keep man a slave”

This quote is about the limitations and conditioning that the family imposes on man. The family is one of the most effective traps that civilization has created for millennia to keep men as slaves. This means that the family is a tool that society uses to control and exploit man. The family teaches man to follow the rules and norms of society, without questioning or rebelling. The family also creates a sense of attachment and dependency, which prevents man from being free and independent. Thus, we must break free from the family and its influence, to find our individuality and freedom.

  1. “The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.”

This quote tells us about the importance of living fully and consciously. The real question is not whether life exists after death. This means that you should not be obsessed or worried about what happens after you die. You should not waste your time and energy on speculations or beliefs that are not certain. The real question is whether you are alive before death. This implies that you should focus on the present moment and the quality of your life. You should ask yourself if you are really living or just surviving. Therefore, Osho encourages us to be more aware and active, and not to be passive and dull.

  1. “You cannot step in the same river twice,” because it is always flowing.”

The quote means that you cannot step in the same river twice because it is always flowing. This means that everything in life is constantly changing and evolving. Nothing remains the same, not even for a moment. The river that you see now is not the same as the one that you saw before or the one that you will see later. Therefore, Osho reminds us to be aware and flexible, and not to cling to any fixed or rigid idea of reality. He wants us to embrace the flow of life, and not to resist or regret it. This is one of the Osho quotes that tells us the very nature of life. Life is never the same always.

  1. “The mind becomes the problem because you have taken thoughts so deeply inside you that you have forgotten completely the Distance; that they are Visitors, they come and go.”

This says that the mind becomes the problem because you have taken thoughts so deeply inside you. This means that you have identified yourself with your thoughts, and you have lost your awareness of who you are. You have forgotten completely the Distance; that they are Visitors, they come and go. This implies that you should remember that thoughts are not part of you, they are just temporary guests. They come and go, and you should not attach yourself to them. Therefore, Osho suggests that you should create some distance from your thoughts, and observe them without judgment.

  1. “Never try to change the person you love, because the very effort to change says that you love half, and the other half of the person is not accepted.”

This Osho quote is about the respect and acceptance that love requires. Never try to change the person you love, because the very effort to change says that you love half, and the other half of the person is not accepted. This means that you should not impose your expectations or preferences on the person you love. You should not try to mold them into someone they are not. The very effort to change implies that you do not love them fully and that you reject some aspects of their personality. Therefore, Osho advises us to love the person as they are, and not as we want them to be.

  1. “Existence is only in the present. Mind is never in the present.”

This quote is about the contrast between existence and mind. Existence is only in the present because it is the reality that we experience in the here and now. It is the source of life, joy, and beauty. Mind is never in the present, because it is always wandering in the past or the future. It is the source of illusion, misery, and ugliness. Therefore, Osho encourages us to be in the present, and not to be lost in the mind. He wants us to connect with our existence, and not to be distracted by our thoughts.

  1. “Live dangerously! Only the eagle knows the aloneness of the heights, the silence of heights, the danger of the heights! But without knowing danger, one never grows.”

This says, Live dangerously! This means that you should not be afraid to take risks and face challenges. You should not settle for comfort and security. Only the eagle knows the aloneness of the heights, the silence of heights, the danger of the heights! This implies that only those who dare to soar high and explore the unknown can experience the beauty and mystery of life. They can also discover their true potential and strength. But without knowing the danger, one never grows. This suggests that danger is a necessary condition for growth and transformation. Without danger, one remains stagnant and mediocre.

  1. “Your mind has been conditioned for centuries by people who have not understood your real needs.”

This Osho quote is about the influence and limitation that the mind has on us. Your mind has been conditioned for centuries by people who have not understood your real needs. This means that your mind has been shaped by the beliefs and values of others, such as your parents, teachers, religion, and society. They have not recognized or respected your true nature and desires. Therefore, your mind is not your own, but a product of others. Osho urges us to free ourselves from the mind and its conditioning and to find our authentic selves.

  1. “To have a loving heart, you need a little less calculating head.”

This quote tells us about the balance between the heart and the head. To have a loving heart, you need a little less calculating head. This means that you should not let your mind interfere with your feelings. You should not analyze or judge your love but just express it. A calculating head is a barrier to a loving heart because it creates doubt and fear. Therefore, Osho advises us to reduce our mental activity and increase our emotional sensitivity. He wants us to be more compassionate and spontaneous, and less rational and cautious.


Osho quotes are powerful and profound words that can inspire and transform us. They teach us how to live with awareness, freedom, and love. These quotes challenge us to question our conditioning and to find our truth. Also, they remind us to enjoy the beauty and grace of existence. Osho quotes are not just intellectual statements, but practical guides for living. They invite us to experiment and experience life in its totality.

Sushmita Nibandhe

ALSO READ: 15 Positive Thinking Quotes to Nourish Your Thoughts

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