Marc Rippen: Transforming the Lives of Diabetics

Marc Rippen

Understanding problems is a rare skill seen in today’s time. And once the problem is recognized, finding the solution can be even more difficult. Marc Rippen, CEO of Alertgy went through a tragedy, he found out his wife nearly slipped into a diabetic coma and became unresponsive due to being in prolonged low blood sugar state. After he was able to rehabilitate her, he took a strong hold of the situation and started Alertgy. The company started with a mission where no family will have to go through the same situation. Today Alertgy provides a revolutionizing solution “Alertgy NICGM” is a brand that patient can wear around the wrist and is synced with the smartphone to measure blood sugar level.

With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Marc worked with wide range of disciplines such as Microbiological Science, Biophysics, Aeronautics, and Management of Engineering and Technology. Marc is former Director of Engineering of the Marine and Space Division of SRI International St. Petersburg. After graduating with multiple degrees, he has spent his career providing technology-based solutions to solve difficult problems for his customers.

In an interesting chat with Business APAC, Marc beautifully unfolded his journey and also narrated how his company’s ground-breaking solutions are disrupting the industry. Here are the excerpts.

Leading the Way Towards Revolution

Enlighten us how the overall business scenario is changing?

Over the last decade, the landscape of the diabetes market has changed drastically and will continuously do so. Current leading companies in the industry are always working to develop state-of-the-art technologies to bring to consumers. It demands Alertgy to be always on the cutting edge of innovation, leading the way on the path towards revolution and not fall behind. It requires the CEO and leadership of the company not to accept satisfactory, but rather strive for perfection in both what it does and how it does.

Offering Groundbreaking Technologies

Please tell us about Alertgy’s offerings?

Alertgy is proud to offer the first truly non-invasive continuous blood glucose monitor in the world. Many have tried and failed, but through applying its groundbreaking technologies, the company is well on the way to delivering an optimum solution that will save the lives of diabetics and significantly enhance their quality of life.

Premier Leader in Diagnostic Technology

Which are your present and future focus areas for expansion?

Currently, Alertgy is focused on bringing its device to the type 2 diabetes population in order to provide millions with a way to automatically monitor their blood sugar 24 hours a day. Subsequently to this, Alertgy will bring its device to the type 1 diabetes market after enough data has been generated to obtain full FDA approval. In the future there may be many other health related applications for the technology in the way of monitoring and diagnostics of other diseases such as Cancer and Alzheimer’s. Alertgy has shown to be able to track other metabolites and cellular markers within the body that could pave the way for Alertgy to be a premier leader in diagnostic technology.

Delivering a Special Level of Care and Assistance

Being a leader in your industry, what different approaches must you have than other industry leaders?

Being in the healthcare industry, and more specifically the diabetes industry, means the relationships Alertgy share with consumers will be more personal, and the products they use will impact their lives in ways other companies will not. Diabetes is close to the heart of every team member of the company and the solutions of products that each would want the loved ones in our lives to use. Marc says, “Being a leader in our industry means delivering a special level of care and assistance that I would choose in my own life”.

Transforming the Landscape of the Diabetes Market

What are the key milestones that you have set for Alertgy over the next 5 years?

In next 5 years I firmly believe that Alertgy will completely transform the landscape of the diabetes market. During the same time, it will achieve numerous major milestones that are crucial to its success. The first of these milestones is to have a successful pre-clinical trial at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio that it is performing right now. Following this, Alertgy will turn focus towards miniaturization from its Generation-1 clinical device to the Generation-2 wristband by the 3rd quarter of 2020. After the completion, its next major milestone will be to roll-out its technology to consumers in the United States, Europe, and other strategic areas company has identified.

First and Only Truly Non-Invasive Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor

What are the factors that make your offerings better than your competitors?

To build off what Alertgy has previously stated, the technology is far superior to any of its competitors that are in the diabetes space. Being the first and only truly non-invasive continuous blood glucose monitor means patients using the device will no longer have to prick their fingers, using CGM implants, or draw blood in any way in order to measure their blood glucose. The products currently on the market require one or all three of these methods which has proven to hamper the daily lives of those who use them. Not only does this cause distress, but it also results in those who should be monitoring their numbers closely to not monitor at all, so they choose not to perform these often difficult and painful measures.

“Mission Impossible” Inspiring the Team

Please tell us your source of inspiration that influenced your life?

There are many movies which influence your life and stay with you for the rest of the life. Mission Impossible is one of the movies. Mission Impossible is the movie that inspires the team because the movie is all about overcoming adversity in order to complete the mission at hand. It has countless obstacles that the team has to prevail over to reach their final goal.

Strong Team equals to Stronger Communication

What are your team strengths and how to you ensure their continuous development?

Team plays an important role in development of an organization. I call my team as the A-team because they truly are a fervent group that has been able to drive the company towards the path of great success. Though it is a small group, the passion and desire each and every one of them possess has made it capable of capturing results that a team far larger could not. Being the CEO, I am constantly on the road building relationships and getting the name out, which means I cannot be a 24/7 presence at the lab in Melbourne. In order to facilitate continuous development, it is important to have weekly meetings both at the start and end of the week to ensure every team member is on the same page. These meetings have proven to be a cornerstone of its success as a team and makes sure it share one common vision and goal for the company.

Words Of Wisdom :

I think it is more important to have a strong team who can accomplish the goals through a fundamental and strong communication network.

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