Did you know that Leo Tolstoy quotes from the last century are still incredibly relevant today?
Leo Tolstoy, a Russian writer, is widely regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902, and 1909 and for the Nobel Prize in Literature every year from 1902 to 1906. He is often credited as a writer in the ‘Realist’ style. His novels were acclaimed for their realistic portrayals of life within the Russian aristocracy, and his primary goal as a writer was to represent truth.
In this article, we would like to share some of these profound quotes with you to truly appreciate the depth of this writer.
- “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
- “All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow.”
- “If you want to be happy, be.”

- “Without knowing what I am and why I am here, life is impossible.”
- “We can know only that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom.”
- “We lost because we told ourselves we lost.”

- “Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them.”
- “If everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war.”
- “If there was no suffering, man would not know his limits, and would not know himself.”

- “Each person’s task in life is to become an increasingly better person.”
- “The kinder and the more thoughtful a person is, the more kindness he can find in other people.”
- “If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.”

- “Once we’re thrown off our habitual paths, we may think all is lost, but it’s only here that the new and the good begin.”
- “Upon meeting, you’re judged by your clothes, upon parting you’re judged by your wits.”
- “The strongest of all warriors are these two—time and patience.”

We hope these 15 Leo Tolstoy quotes are helpful and make you think about how incredible the writers of the previous century were. They were very well-informed and had a rich mindset despite having limited resources.
Through these quotes, we gain an idea that he had a profound understanding of the human condition and the complexities of life. His words had the power to stir our souls, provoke deep reflection, and inspire inner growth. May we live by these quotes and take small steps towards growth.