India Resolute against Coronavirus as the Prime Minister addresses the Nation


Fight against Coronavirus Continues

Referring to the deadly outbreak of novel coronavirus, that has claimed over 9000 lives and has affected over 2 lakh people across the globe, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday addressed the nation. He said even if it seems that India has been protected from the COVID-19 outbreak, it was not true. “While the government is keeping a close watch on the track record of the spread of novel coronavirus, for a developing country like India with a large population, this is not a normal situation. Hence it is important for every Indian to remain aware and alert,” he further added.

Janata Curfew and Economic Response Task Force

The Prime Minister also urged people to observe ‘Janata Curfew’, a self-imposed curfew by the public, for the public- on March 22 between 7 am and 9 pm. In his 30 minutes speech, he assured the nation that while the country fights the disease, the supply of essential services will not be hampered. 

He also urged people with relatively better financial situation to be kind and humane towards their employees or domestic help during the time of crisis. Modi also announced the COVID-19 economic response task force that will take decisions regarding the economic implications of coronavirus after consulting with the stakeholders.  

Key Takeaways from the Speech

Here are some key takeaways from Modi’s speech 

  • Janata Curfew
  • Don’t strain healthcare services
  • Economic Response Task Force
  • Thank Corona Warriors
  • No Scarcity of Essential Commodities
  • Be Considerate

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