Enjoy Growing Older In A Great Aged Care Community

Great Aged Care Community

Like it or not, we are all growing older, every minute of every day. All living things on Earth go through this natural process, and we are no exception. That doesn’t make it any easier though, and we have to be careful not to let the all too often unwelcome changes we go through get us down! There are some activities like sports that we will eventually be unable to participate in as the body slowly winds down on life’s biological clock. Ageing is not all negative, after all, there is wisdom gained and knowledge from your accrued life experiences that can be shared and applied to help future generations cope with life’s challenges! You may not be able to jump up and dance a jig on your centennial birthday, but you can sit back and smile with the satisfaction of having made it so far!

Growing older means change, and sometimes that includes making major changes to your lifestyle. There may come a day when you find you are no longer physically able to properly care for yourself and your home, or are facing problems like memory loss. All of that can be extremely frustrating, but there are people who are ready to help you make your remaining years pleasant and fulfilling, like the dedicated staff at aged care in Chermside who will be eager to welcome you to a new home full of caring and fun! This premium facility is all about providing you with all the personal attention you need in an atmosphere of sharing and caring.

The goal of every person is to live their life to the fullest possible, and when you enter into a high quality aged care facility you can rest easy that those goals are not just going to be met, they will be surpassed. You will be treated to a private room with modern amenities like a comfy adjustable electric reclining chair you can enjoy relaxing in as you read, watch TV, or surf the internet. When you decide its time to get up and go out the facility offers a wide variety of activities for you take part in as you make new friends among the community! Some of the favourite activities are:

  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Storytelling
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Yoga
  • Painting
  • Clay Sculpting
  • Lawn Bowling
  • Movie Nights
  • Games
  • Holiday Activities

While some of those might depend on your state of mobility for participation, residents with mobility issues are all encouraged to come along and watch, for example to cheer on their friend’s lawn bowling team in the community championships! All major holidays are celebrated, so if you relish a cozy Christmas season surrounded by the cheerful company of friends, your wishes will be met, and very likely surpassed in this warm and loving environment!

It’s hard to leave behind the home you lived in for so many years, and while an aged care facility can never replace that, it can do wonders for supplying you with a fulfilling life surrounded by your community’s warm embrace.

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