What You Need to Know About GDPR & email verification


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect on May 25th, 2018, is one of the biggest changes in data privacy regulation for over 20 years. It’s clear that companies will be impacted by GDPR and there are many questions about how it affects businesses and their customers. In this blog post we’ll explain what you need to know about GDPR & email verification—and how you can prepare for the upcoming deadline!

GDPR deadline on May 25th, 2018

If you’ve been paying attention, then you know that the GDPR deadline is May 25th, 2018. It’s already here! The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of regulations that govern how data can be collected and used by organizations and individuals in the EU. And May 25th is the day that companies need to comply with these regulations or face hefty fines for not doing so. The GDPR deadline is May 25th.

What is GDPR exactly?

GDPR is the General Data Protection Regulation and it’s a new set of rules for how companies must handle personal data. GDPR is replacing the current Data Protection Act, which is why you’re getting so much email about it.

How does this affect my data?

When it comes to data protection, you need to know the difference between personal, sensitive and anonymised data.

  • Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This could include your name, email address, phone number or IP address.
  • Sensitive data refers to special categories of personal information that include racial or ethnic origin; genetic characteristics; political opinions; religious or philosophical beliefs; trade union membership; physical or mental health condition etc.
  • Anonymised data is any information that doesn’t identify a specific individual but which can be linked back to them if combined with other information held by third parties (e.g., IP addresses).
  • Pseudonymised data consists of ‘personal’ information where there has been some form of encryption applied so that the subject cannot be identified directly from the attribute values without breaking cryptographic protections

How does this affect my business?

GDPR is a regulation that applies to all businesses that process personal data of EU citizens. This means that if you have an establishment in the EU, you are subject to GDPR. Even if your business does not target EU citizens or offer goods and services to them, it still must comply with GDPR if it has branches or offices within the EU.

If your company is based outside of Europe but processes data on European Union citizens, then it’s still time for you to take action!

What email verification has to do with this

Email verification is a way to prove you are a real person and not a bot. As such, it’s one of the requirements for GDPR compliance.

Email verification helps prevent spam and fraud by requiring users to complete an email verification process before they can create an account or submit content. This makes it more likely that the user you’re dealing with is actually who they say they are (or at least someone who has access to their email account). For this, you can use tools like emailvalidation.io.


I hope this article has been helpful in understanding the GDPR and how you can use email verification to help with compliance. If you have any questions about how we can help your business, please feel free to reach out!

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Business Apac

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