
ExtractAlpha’s Insight, New Choice for the Investors in Data Analytics

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In-depth research modules to help investors

ExtractAlpha has announced the launch of Insight, an extensive option that provides Data Analytics solutions for portfolio managing companies. The company serves institutional investors with exceptional data sets and predictive models. The new service will help the portfolio managers and data analysts to find out the in-depth details of their portfolio and its reach to different factors.

Alternative data is essential for asset selection and allocation. With Insight visualization of the portfolio’s entire risk factor gets easier, managers and analysts can pinpoint the threat in any stock with accuracy. It enables organizations and individuals to find out the real reason for fluctuation in the prices of stocks and earnings. It thoroughly examines stokes in the market and suggests when to buy or sell. There are customized watchlists that can be analyzed for risk and opportunities and it will provide a strategic advantage in cross-assets and ESG perspective.

The process will get quicker with precision

Vinesh Jha, Founder, and CEO said, “When institutional investors use similar inputs in similar ways, it generally leads to correlated investment returns. However, those implementing an alternative data solution have realized how they can benefit from data science by adding alternative new data sources to their strategic toolbox. Using ExtractAlpha’s exclusive data and sophisticated analytics, investors can drill down into regulatory, political, and innovation events affecting a company.

Insight uses precision and ingenuity in the process of searching different sources that are of value for the investors. These fresh and out of the box data help the investors to get maximum results with minimum risk. It is the answer to the long-pending question that every portfolio managers have.

The company go through different sets of data and sort out the relevant information from them. This helps in forecasting basics, evaluation of return and risk to deliver better results for the investment.

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