Emmessar Biotech & Nutrition: Delivering Affordable & Dependable Healthcare

Emmessar Biotech & Nutrition

Use of Biotechnology along with the study of micro-organisms have significantly grown for industrial & commercial exploitation over a period. We have known for long about how milk curdles by Lactobacillus to understanding how Nitrogen is fixed and liberated in the soil to promote vegetation. But the applications have reached far beyond like even metal extraction from ores! Biotechnology is, as the name suggests, a product of the original science -viz- “Biology” that branched into Micro and Molecular Biologies and further developed for application as Biotechnology.

Biotech works on two aspects, firstly making the microorganisms work for us and secondly, modifying the structures of DNA & RNA towards a specific functional purpose including manufacturing drugs. Many antibiotics are manufactured using biotechnology. This study is rapidly gaining its ground in the industry and is fast advancing.

The only drawback here and that is – like Atomic Science, Biotechnology is a double edged sword – and so can also be used for good and bad purposes. Depending upon the ethical and moral values of the society, Biotech can be a boon or bane for humanity. For instance, the pharma industry has to set standards for quality and purpose, and have to be unidirectional in helping humanity. However, several companies are rather exploiting the tech resources only for pure commercial gains & success. This is an area that needs soul-searching by all and needs huge transformation and improvement.

As an ardent & committed member in the industry, Emmessar Biotech & Nutrition Ltd (EBNL), has always kept human well-being at the centre of its R&D, services and products. Established in 1992, the company has to date never compromised on its quality & purpose.

A Global Healthcare Leader

EBNL is a healthcare company that manufactures and markets healthcare and nutritional products globally. With rising healthcare concerns, EBNL attempts a holistic approach by fusing various concepts and principles from ancient and modern medical science. It combines the fundamental principles of Biophysics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and the Indian system of medicine -ie- AYUSH (Ayurveda + Yoga + Unani + Siddha + Homeopathy) to create a unique set of effective and curative products. This amalgamation of techniques resulted in the birth of a new science and technology called as VedaCeuticals™ which is the foundation of all products of EBNL.

VedaCeuticals™ was a result of the in-house R&D for over 15 years resulting in and evolution of a new science and technology that integrated different schools of thought. This science enabled EBNL to make edible nutrients work like potential medicines, and in the process eliminating the toxic & adverse side-affects inevitable in the usage of modern drugs.

Diverse Portfolio of Products

EBNL is involved in creating products with the principal and crucial characteristics of Bio-availability, Bio-acceptability, Bio-interactivity, and Bio-correctivity, and their combination has resulted in a lasting solution to the health problems. EBNL’s products are related to Skin-Care & Skin-Cure, Muscle Health, Bone Health, General Health, Non-Toxic Cosmetics, etc. This wide-ranging portfolio of products addresses various unmet medical needs of healthcare. It caters to patients with obstinate skin problems, muscle problems, bone problems, and other debilitating chronic physical ailments. Presently, EBNL has over 38 products across 7 categories that can treat over 200 different health problems.

EBNL specializes in catering to diverse requirements and health concerns and is proficient in delivering excellent results. The team has achieved high credentials amongst its peers and competitors alike. It aims to leverage the principles of VedaCeuticals through continuous innovation and create holistic healthcare solutions for –

  • All the Sick & Suffering—all genders and age groups.
  • All the chronic patients who are clueless about the cause of their disease and sickness.
  • All those who are frustrated with modern but long and ineffective treatments in hospitals & dispensaries.
  • All those trusting consumers who are suffering from the adverse effects of toxic drugs.

With EBNL’s capability and capacity, the team’s vision is to propel an evolution towards a healthcare revolution by providing simple solutions to complex health problems.

Principal Architect of Product Strategies

The principal architect of EBNL’s overall business philosophy and product strategies is Mathurakavi Srinivasa Raghavan Ayyangar (MSR Ayyangar). MSR is the Managing Director and CEO of EBNL and serves on the board of directors. Apart from the product strategies, he is also responsible for the company’s global sales & operations, driving innovative research & development, and is instrumental in worldwide marketing & business development.

MSR is an Electrical & Electronics Engineer from REC (NIT) Warangal from 1965-70 batch. Since childhood, MSR has had a natural inclination towards spirituality and human health. This resulted in a profound study of Veda, Upanishads, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy – which he continues to date. Being an industrialist himself since 1984, he has witnessed the health care industry mature and face the various challenges.

Like all other industries in India, EBNL also faced the problem of bureaucratic despotism. He explains, “When people who produce nothing—but control all others who produce everything with arrogance & irresponsible conduct—the society & the nation will have to pay the heavy price!”. Despite the setbacks, MSR with his team are continually striving to deliver the best. Since 2016, the team has developed 30 new products to meet a spectrum of healthcare needs.

Candid Perspective

MSR also shared his thoughts on the ongoing crisis of COVID-19 and termed the pandemic as a man-made and avoidable disaster. The global health crisis is being exploited by many who see an opportunity for commercial exploitation. He states that wisdom is lacking at all levels and if one carried a good sense of responsibility towards fellow humans, it would have made a huge difference. MSR is hoping for better sense to prevail.

In the upcoming years, Biotech shall rule the roost for future generations—just as IT is ruling today. As for the EBNL, MSR is optimistic about the future. He concludes, We are conscious of our eventful journey so far with inevitable ups and downs – which we withstood. We look forward to more challenges that will lead us towards serving the humanity at large in the healthcare field.”

Read Full Magazine: Business APAC Fastest Growing Biotech and Pharma Companies 2021

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