Why DNS filtering is a crucial aspect of modern business cybersecurity


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With so many cyber threats out there, it is safe to say that cybersecurity is more important than ever. Businesses around the world need to have a layered cybersecurity structure with multiple measures, and DNS filtering is definitely one of them. Although bad content on the internet is overlooked among some of the more complicated outside threats, you really need to protect your business against them.

If you’re interested in having a guard at the gate of your network that protects you from all unwanted visitors, you’re in the right article and considering the perfect tool. We’ll be emphasizing the importance of this simple yet effective method of protecting networks from cyber threats; DNS filtering. Let’s have a closer look together and understand why it is so crucial to modern cybersecurity.

How DNS filtering works

The DNS (Domain Name System) is a process that allows us, normal people, to use websites and remember their names. You see, all websites are defined by specific IP addresses, and you can simply visit the website by putting in the correct IP address. This would be possible if we only had a handful of websites but not so much if you visit about 50 websites a day.

For this reason, DNS connects domain names (what we know as URLs) to IP addresses for ease of use. This means that when we type in www.wikipedia.com, there is an IP address behind that alphabetical value.

You probably start to understand how these tools work. DNS filtering solutions have a list of allowed or blocked domain names, and they decide whether the user is allowed to visit that website when a query comes in. IT admins can simply define a domain name as unfriendly, and the system takes care of the rest by preventing all users within that network from accessing that specific website.

DNS filtering can be used to protect a private network from malicious websites such as the ones designed for phishing scams or those that include bad links. These are real threats and DNS filtering is the tool you need to fend them off. In the same way, you can simply use it to block social media or streaming sites to increase productivity and make sure employees only visit work-related websites.

Why is DNS filtering crucial for business security?

The benefits of DNS filtering go above and beyond what you expect. Although it has benefits related to productivity and network quality, we’ll talk about the security advantages it brings to your network. Just remember that the below points make DNS filtering a crucial aspect of modern business security, but there is much more to it.

Identifying suspicious traffic

DNS filtering drastically improves your ability to monitor all the traffic happening on your network that is initiated by the end users. IT teams can track the traffic, log DNS requests, and analyze them for potential threats. This can help to identify security breaches and reinforce the network if necessary to prevent them.

In addition to this, being capable of tracking suspicious traffic can help your incident response teams and forensic investigators to identify the roots of a successful attack. If this indeed happens, the insight provided by the DNS filtering tool can help you resolve the issue more quicker.

Protection against botnets and malware

Botnets and other malware are significant threats to modern business security as they can result in the loss of sensitive data or an attack on company devices. One of the main reasons why DNS filtering is a popular technology is protecting the network against these threats.

DNS filtering helps protect against botnets and malware distribution by blocking the command and control (C&C) domains used by malicious users. When malware uses these domains, they communicate with the C&C server and infect a device. DNS filtering blocks malware from accessing its server, so it becomes ineffective altogether.

Compliance with regulations

Almost all web-based businesses are subject to regulations regarding cybersecurity and personal data protection. DNS filtering can help organizations achieve a better level of compliance by helping with the protection against outsider threats and bad content on the Internet.

In addition, it is important to keep in mind that some websites can be prohibited in workplaces by regulations such as gambling, and DNS filtering is the only tool you need to cover that area of the regulation your organization is subject to. In short, DNS filtering is not only a tool to improve security but also makes your company better in the eyes of the authorities.

Mitigating phishing threats

A phishing scam is a big part of data breaches, and likely the deadliest. It is when an authorized end user is tricked into sharing personal information or user credentials by a cybercriminal. These attacks can be carried out through malicious websites that look like legit organizations and collect personal data.

Your users might not always be able to tell that a website is designed for phishing, but DNS filtering can through advanced categorization methods. Using this tool mitigates phishing risks and protects you from data loss and the theft of confidential data.

Final words

DNS filtering is a straightforward tool, a security guard if you will. This does not mean that it’s not effective though. If you’re looking for a way to complete your security structure by maximizing your control over the network traffic and blocking malicious websites, DNS filtering is the perfect choice for you.

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