Coronavirus Threats in India increase as Asia’s largest slum Dharavi reports first Covid-19 casualty


First Death Victim in Dharavi

As the coronavirus is expanding its footprint across the whole world, it has started to spread in India also. Asia’s largest slum, Dharavi which is located near Mumbai has reported the first case of coronavirus. The 56-year old, who died of the COVID complication had no travel history and owned a garment shop in the area. The swab reports of the victim’s family members and building members are awaited and all senior citizens or respiratory illness patients in the area are being monitored. The victim was moved to Sion hospital after complaining of fever on March 23. However, the appearance of coronavirus case in Dharavi is a cause of concern.

A Serious Matter of concern

As Dharavi is Asia’s largest slum, the coronavirus case has imposed a severe threat among its residents and also the city itself. The health minister of the Maharashtra state Mr. Rajesh tope said that so far the virus seemed to be classist but now it’s being seen among the masses as well. Once the virus reaches congested places like Dharavi, it is a matter of concern. The building in which the person lived has been sealed as a precautionary measure. Mr. Tope further added that the BMC will ensure food and ration reaches the building. Moreover, over 4000 health workers are on the job of tracing and testing all suspected cases of coronavirus.

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