Business APAC Marvelous Leaders in HR, 2020

Over the past decade, the workplace has changed drastically and so the role of HR. Since the 2008 recession to major technological advances, the events over the past decade have shaped how we work today. These new trends have fundamentally changed how HR practitioners approach the strategic implementation of people processes.
Rohit Lohia: A Maverick Hooked on Solving Complex Business Challenges
Successful business leaders often have a knack of finding “disruptive” ...
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Pooja Bajaj Chadha: A Passionate Leader With A Drive To A Build Happy And Engaged Work Culture
Employee engagement is one of the significant factors that influences ...
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Natasha Makhijani: An Empathy Leader Connecting Candidates With Organizations
In the last decade, the employment arena has witnessed a ...
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Manpreet Kaur: A Passionate Leader in All Aspects of the Customer Journey
HR is one of the most dynamic departments in an ...
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Girish Nair: Creating a new Era of Enriched HR Services through Outsourcing
The HR industry has experienced dramatic changes in its roles ...
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Vital HR Practices

Best Human Resource Practices
Investing In the Best Human Resource Practices Is On High Priority for the Companies
2020 has welcomed new changes and industrial revolutions. The workplace ...
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West has been driving the business world owing to its developed economies. The leading part of the world is straining to sustain its dominance. However, the other parts of the world, especially Asia Pacific region have been displaying escalating growth in terms of business and technological advancements.

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