How Benevo’s Founder is Shattering Social Stigma?


Growing up in a discouraging environment constantly slaps challenges on your face. You are faced with the thought of ‘not being good enough’. It is a situation like this that makes your nerves tingle and you gear up to settle your scores in a demanding world. This is the kind of story that resonates well with the founder and director of Benevo.

Saumya Jitendra Baniwal graduated from Pantnagar University. She hails from the green valleys of Dehradun, Uttarakhand, and lives up to the beauty of her hometown. She is the Founderand Director of , which strives to amplify the quality of General Awareness training and Essential Life Skills programs. The start-up has joined hands with experienced personnel in the nutritional, banking, medical, and social work arenas.

Center for Excellence

Benevo, derived from the word ‘benevolence’ has a humanitarian agenda on track, in addition to delivering real business benefits. It is committed to providing organizations and individuals with a comprehensive set of training programs and modalities.

Saumya possesses experience in training and molding individuals in both the private and government sectors. She had already refined her teaching methodology in the course of ten years before setting up this enterprise. She acted on somebody’s advice to build up a professional group of trainers instead of individually counseling people. Hence, Benovo Management Private Limited was brought to life and commenced its journey from 23rd May 2017.

Training programs include accounting and taxation, financial services, human resources services, paralegal training, life skills, license and registration, and so on. Benevo also caters to aspects of training that the trainee may not be aware of. This versatility sets it a class apart and blooms the enterprise into a powerful entity to reckon with.

Pushing Gender Biases off the Cliff

Push them hard to send them hurtling down into the empty abyss. This is the strong approach adopted by the enterprising woman Saumya. She has come face to face with a horde of criticism regarding her venture. Most of it had to do with her being a woman. However, she took them head-on. In fact, she absorbed all the scrutiny and extracted ideas from it for her own advantage.

When she was handed the claim that women talk a lot and talk rubbish, she held onto that thought. The loquacious quality of women popped up as an amazing business opportunity. She started looking at women as natural-born talkers and came up with the idea of professionally training them in the negotiation department.

Saumya incorporated social work and training for women in her program. This helped women normally confined within the four walls of a house to come out and start earning. She broke the shackles of society by coming out sturdier in harsh circumstances. She overcame myths like women being incapable to travel for business, training being an ineffective option, and other obstacles.

Constructive Learning

The vision of Benevo, as elucidated by Saumya, is three-dimensional learning. It connects the heart, head, and hand. A person can learn with ease once these three organs coordinate harmoniously. The director identifies the core of learning in what one learns and the intricate manner in which his or her mind interprets it. She emphasizes a good and constructive education to be essential in living with ease. Access to proper educational facilities not only prepares one to tackle Maths, Biology, and Physics but also to embark on the journey of life.

Baniwal has given wings to her passion for communication. This has led her into the content creation and training fields. She believes strongly in effective training, innovative teaching methods, and closely knit teamwork. According to Saumya, “Training is an art which is improvised daily”.

How Benevo Works?

Experienced academic and corporate personnel train individuals and sieve the right manpower for businesses. Aspiring employees come to them for polishing soft skills and professional grooming. Businesses come along to hire well-trained people.

Believing in smart planning and execution is essential in the field of training. Benevo illustrates a broad and holistic picture of planning before influencing the desired changes. The Benevo staff gives prime importance to their clientele and constantly improvises to suit their clients’ needs. This client-oriented approach earns them a place in people’s good books.

Broad minded and fun approach

Benevo maintains a deep respect for humanity in general. It strives to ignite flames of energy in others. It seeks to be simple, honest, and ethical. Teamwork stands out as an important facet of their program. It claims to be not only a work-oriented environment but also involves a broad-minded and fun approach. Besides, the commitment to quality education is at the forefront.

To conclude, the rise of female entrepreneurs like Saumya inspires today’s youth to break out of social stereotypes.

Related: 25 Women Empowerment Quotes

Business Apac

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