BrandLoom: Applying Digital Proficiencies To Empower Entrepreneurs To Meet Consumer Expectations


In recent times, the APAC digital marketing industry has witnessed three major trends. These trends are voice searches, vernacular content, and responsive websites. The first trend shows that people are utilizing voice search regularly for products and services. The second trend suggests that increasing number of people are getting access to the internet. Hence, these are the key people who are utilizing vernacular content on every digital platform. The third trend demonstrates that mobile accessibility and device finesse have increased which are causing growth in responsive mobile pages. These allow desktop websites to become congenial with mobiles.

BrandLoom recognizes these market shifts and comprehends consumer requirements to provide a seamless brand and surfing experience. To provide this experience, the company has gained expertise in building responsive websites accessible by any platforms, devices, and versions. This way, the firm remains committed to provide consumers with a seamless experience and increase clients’ web traffic organically.

Providing Digital Solutions to the Clients

In 2015, the Founder and CEO, Avinash Chandra,established BrandLoom, a digital branding and marketing company in Gurgaon. The company has a reach across India and has created its presence on the international level, mainly in the US and Canada. The digital firm provides numerous services such as SEO, content creation and marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing, e-commerce designing, website development, and digital strategy consulting.

BrandLoom meets the expectations of entrepreneurs and brands, who are eager to reach customers in an inexpensive way constantly. Congruous to the client requirements, the company increases its operational performance, products, and services, inflate its business reach to the market. The firm also takes clients feedback so they can strategize strong digital marketing, e-commerce, and brand management techniques. The digital company also utilizes customer feedback as well as examines market analysis to channelize its services and provide a head start to its clients.

Experienced and Visionary Leadership of the CEO

The CEO of BrandLoompossesses vast experience of working in diverse brands and industries. Avinash wanted to utilize this extensive experience in a practical way and was ardent to do something worthwhile from it. Having an understanding of the industry as well as a passion for marketing motivated him to set up BrandLoom. He constantly strives to develop this company further and assist clients by fulfilling their expectations and looks forward to grabbing ample opportunities from this dynamic environment and learns something new every day.

Avinash revealed that starting this company was the highest point in his professional career. The visionary leader is hopeful that the future will bring more cherishable moments like this and imparts his feelings that he was fortunate to work in the past with various brands and people from different industries. Learning constantly gave him immense pleasure while failing provided him a learning experience. For him, without failure, there are no opportunities for success.

Influential and Empathetic Culture of BrandLoom

At BrandLoom, employees are at the center of attention. As the team handles client interactions, provides solutions to their businesses, and faces various difficulties during the completion of the projects, their response is totally dependent on the company’s work culture. If they feel part of the organization and can relate themselves to it then it will depict positively in their work.

On these similar lines, the company has provided flexible-timings, work from home opportunities, and training at regular intervals to its employees. It allows breathing room to employees on a practical level and supports employees in the transition of their careers. BrandLoom also balances its workforce by incorporating experienced employees from IBM, Infosys, MasterCard and employs new people based on their passion. The company takes pride in its diverse working environment and does not pass over deserving as well as passionate candidates.

The Consequences of New Technology on Digital Marketing

When asked about his views about enhancements in digital marketing, Avinash said, the new technology is advancing in the digital marketing industry. AI is showing its utility into buying ad space, deploying chatbots, in automated tasks, and analyzing data. This usage of AI has been allowing digital marketing companies to bring efficacy in their operations and involve customers positively. Furthermore, influencers are showing that their recommendation on social media shopping has increased and with that, people are buying products based on the recommendations made by a trustworthy person. This shows that the engagement of authentic followers has been providing more results than the traditional way of advertising.

Taking these trends while improving BrandLoom’s offerings, Avinash and his team are expanding its presence abroad, mainly in the US, Canada, and Australia. Furthermore, training is provided to its employees so that they can cope up with such new changes in the market. The digital firm wants to experiment with the remote working by including more employees in it. It has also announced that its employees will receive quarterly vacations so the company employees will not feel burnout and become more productive.

Building New Entrepreneurs for Tomorrow

Avinash advises the new entrepreneurs to start their entrepreneurial journey at an early age. He further adds that the new generation should lead the startups as they know the latest market trends. Instead of starting it slowly, he asks them to create their teams as soon as possible and begin working on the projects. From his point of view, the most important aspect for startups is that the core founding members should work ‘on’ expanding business rather than working ‘in’ the business.    

Business Apac

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